
You can multilingual with twig, you may have noticed the en.yml and fr.yml files in config/translations/.

These are the translation files, in the example view Views/pages/home.twig we use the trans twig filter, in the example :

{{ {{ "title"|trans }} }}

The filter looks for the title key in the fr.yml and en.yml files, and then returns the value according to the language used :

# config/translations/fr.yml
title: 'Bonjour le monde !'
# config/translations/en.yml
title: 'Hello world!'

To modify the default language, go to the config/container.php container, find and modify the value of the $defaultLang variable: In our case, replace en with fr, make sure you have your language files in config/translations/. You can change the language via the session like this $session->set('lang', 'fr') in your controllers and middlewares if necessary.